Food Safe Silicone
Categories: Silicone Sealants
Food Safe Silicone 1-component joint-sealing material onthe basis of silicone rubber whichhardens in contact with atmospherichumidity, tear-fast, drinking water andfood applications, fulfills the requirementsof the „DVGW-Arbeitsblatt”(Hygiene-Institut Bonn, Germany) aswell as the „KTW-Empfehlungen desBundesgesundheitsamtes“ (GermanFederal Health Office), acetatecross-linked. Storable for 12 months
Especially for expansion and connecting joints for food anddrinking water applications, drinking water tanks and filters,kitchens, canteen kitchens, dairy industry, butcher’s shops,slaughter-houses, cold-storage depots etc. as well as for theproduction of aquarium.