Stain Repellent Nano-Effect
Categories: Impregnation, CARE PRODUCTS, For natural stone
outstanding impregnation on the basisof high-quality, organic substances,foodsafe (certified by an externalGerman testing institute). Beginning ofprotective effect (20°C): 10 - 20 min
A special impregnation which strongly repels water, grease andoil. Used to protect flooring, table tops and working surfacesmade of absorbent natural and artificial stone (s.a. marble,Solnhofer stone, sandstone, fine stoneware). For indoors andoutdoors. Prevents the stone from staining spots or makesremoving of spots much easier, the stone remains capable ofbreathing. The protective effect already begins after someminutes and is fully effective after 2-3 hours. Normally the colourof the stone remains unchanged. Special substances workagainst a laminar wetting through liquid drops. Ball-shaped liquidpearls which lie only selectively on top of the stone surface, runoff the surface.